Federal Minister said that there are many traditional hurdles in the path of education which could only be dissociated by use of technology. The Ministery underscored that the public & private sector, today, are required to work together for the noble cause of education.

Technology is the key to Remove Traditional hurdles in education: Federal Minister

Federal Minister has constituted a committee, under the chair of Additional Secretary Mohiyuddin Ahmed Vani, to thrash out a mechanism and terms of reference to move forward on this plan. Federal Minister also applauded the Ed-Tech companies who helped the ministry to develop online contents for tele school adding that the tele school would continue even after the re-opening of schools. Shafqat Mahmood said that all previous models of ‘adult education’ have been abortive, and now the technology-based model is required for the purpose. Likewise, technology-based education program would help online contents development, teachers training program, development of rural area schools and monitoring of teachers and students. Federal Secretary Dr. Sajid Yusfani said, due to outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic & closure of schools, Ed-Tech partners paid their national duty by providing free online contents for tele-school in that hour of the need.