TechLeads Portal- A Step to Connect Pakistan’s IT industry and Pakistani Diaspora

The launching ceremony of this portal was held in the committee room of the Ministry of IT. Senior officers of the Ministry of IT & Telecom and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) attended the ceremony. Check Also: ICT Sector Playing Vital Role in Digital Future of Pakistan Speaking on the occasion, Secretary IT, Dr Sohail Rajput, said that Secretary IT also appreciated the management of PSEB for developing the portal. It can potentially enhance the probability of closing sales orders for Pakistani IT companies since overseas settled Pakistani IT professionals are well versed with local culture and business norms and have the necessary connections in their respective countries of residence, he added. Osman Nasir, Managing Director PSEB, said To Get to Know more About the portal Please Visit: TechLeads It is expected to contribute significantly to the efforts of enhancing Pakistan’s IT exports. at the same time develop Pakistan’s image as a tech destination for outsourcing and investment, he added. Source: TechJuicers