Happy BirthDay Google
Basically, two Ph.D. students, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin founded the most used search engine in September 1998. They used a search algorithm known as ‘Backrub’ two years earlier and chose Google for their new project. The name of the search engine was originated from a misspelling of the word ‘googol’. It is a mathematical term meaning ‘10 raised to the power of 100’. Google explained in its Doodle page. When the World Wide Web was in its infancy, they thought of developing something that can provide information to the world. So the people do not need to go anywhere to search any information. Thanks to their efforts, Google has now become the most popular website in the world with more than 63,000 searches made every second. The year 2012 was the first time that Google generated $50 billion in annual revenue. Now, the total revenue of Google in 2019 was $162 billion.