A European Non-government group Unveiling 250+ Indian Fake websites

According to a research conducted by EU DisinfoLab, there are more than 250 fake news sites operating in more than 65 countries. An accusation is made that India is behind these news sites. The primary motive of India is to deteriorate the image of Pakistan. And also trying to disillusion UN, EU and other organizations regarding Pakistan and Kashmir issue. For instance, a monthly newspaper EP today for European parliament has very good relations with Indian NGO’s, firms, think tanks and companies. The IP address has also been linked to Indian media house, The Delhi Times. They have been accused of re-making articles from Russia Today and Voice of America. Along with it, they are also reproducing a lot of content related to minorities in Pakistan. Times of Geneva is another online newspaper website publishing same content as EP today and posting videos which are undermining the role Pakistan in Kashmir conflict. These both media agencies have close ties with NGO’s like European organization for Pakistan’s minorities and Pakistani Women Human Rights Organization. Actually, even worse is that the employees working in this organization previously worked in EP today. All of this implies that India has a clear agenda in mind. That agenda is mostly linked with Pakistan. They are carrying out oppression in Indian held Kashmir. And want to occupy the whole Kashmir Region. Therefore, in order to evade the criticisms and response from international community, they are using such techniques like fake websites. These atrocities by the Indians are creating an unstable environment. And a strong resistance must come to deal with it,